About Dehradun Smart City

About DSCL

GoI under Smart City Mission Phase-4 100 cities. In the approach of the Smart Cities Mission, the objective is to promote cities that provide core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and sustainable environment and application of ‘Smart’ Solutions. The focus is on sustainable and inclusive development and the idea is to look at compact areas, create a replicable model which will act like a light house to other aspiring cities. The Smart Cities Mission of the Government is a bold, new initiative. It is meant to set examples that can be replicated both within and outside the Smart City, catalysing the creation of similar Smart Cities in various regions and parts of the country.

To help promote cities as engines of economic growth through improvement in the quality of urban life by facilitating creation of quality urban infrastructure, with assured service levels and efficient governance and for creating economically vibrant, inclusive, efficient and sustainable urban habitats, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has launched 6 key Flagship Missions : Smart Cities Mission, AMRUT, HRIDAY, Swachh Bharat, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana - Housing for All (Urban) and National Urban Livelihoods Mission.

Accordingly, the purpose of the Smart Cities Mission is to drive economic growth and improve the quality of life of people by enabling local area development and harnessing technology, especially technology that leads to Smart outcomes. Area-based development will transform existing areas (retrofit and redevelop), including slums, into better planned ones, thereby improving livability of the whole City. New areas (Greenfield) will be developed around cities in order to accommodate the expanding population in urban areas. Application of Smart Solutions will enable cities to use technology, information and data to improve infrastructure and services. Comprehensive development in this way will improve quality of life, create employment and enhance incomes for all, especially the poor and the disadvantaged, leading to inclusive Cities.

For the purpose of implementing the smart cities project, Dehradun Smart City Limited (DSCL), a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for Dehradun Smart City Project has been incorporated, under the Indian companies Act, 2013. DSCL has to receive funds from Government of India and Government of Uttarakhand (GoUK) for the development of Dehradun as smart city. DSCL intends to apply part of this fund for the said procurement activities.